• Si expresamos una preferencia para nosotros mismos:
would prefer + infinitivo con to + [(rather) than + infinitivo sin to / -ing] |
would rather / sooner + infinitivo sin to + (than + infinitivo sin to) |
Bob would rather go to the theatre than watch television
La única estructura que va seguida de infinitivo con TO es "would prefer"
No hay diferencia entre utilizar would rather o would sooner aunque hoy día se oye más would rather.
I'd rather / sooner take the bus.
I'd prefer to take the bus.
(Preferiría coger el autobús.)
I'd prefer to take the bus.
(Preferiría coger el autobús.)
She'd rather / sooner not have to wait for you.
She'd prefer not to have to wait for you.
(Ella preferiría no tener que esperarte.)
She'd prefer not to have to wait for you.
(Ella preferiría no tener que esperarte.)
Bob would rather / sooner stay at home than go to the party.
Bob would prefer to stay at home (rather) than go / going to the party.
(Bob preferiría quedarse en casa a ir a la fiesta.)
Bob would prefer to stay at home (rather) than go / going to the party.
(Bob preferiría quedarse en casa a ir a la fiesta.)
Would they rather / sooner go to the cinema than watch a movie on TV?
Would they prefer to go to the cinema (rather) than watch / watching a movie on TV?
(¿Preferirían ir al cine a ver una película en televisión?)
Would they prefer to go to the cinema (rather) than watch / watching a movie on TV?
(¿Preferirían ir al cine a ver una película en televisión?)
No hay diferencia entre utilizar would rather/sooner o would prefer (si no es la construcción gramatical).
Sin embargo cuando queremos expresar una preferencia permanente sólo podemos utilizar prefer:
I'd rather walk than take the bus.
I'd prefer to walk (rather) than take / taking the bus. (Preferiría caminar a coger el autobús.) —en este momento —
I prefer walking to taking the bus .
(Prefiero caminar a coger el autobús.) — siempre — |
• Si expresamos una preferencia en que otra persona haga algo, entonces:
would prefer + objeto + infinitivo con to |
would rather / sooner + sujeto + past |
I'd rather / sooner she took the bus.
I'd prefer her to take the bus.
(Preferiría que ella cogiera / cogiese el autobús.)
I'd prefer her to take the bus.
(Preferiría que ella cogiera / cogiese el autobús.)
She'd rather / sooner we didn't have to wait for you.
She'd prefer us not to have to wait for you.
(Ella preferiría que no tuviéramos / tuviésemos que esperarte.)
She'd prefer us not to have to wait for you.
(Ella preferiría que no tuviéramos / tuviésemos que esperarte.)
Bob would rather / sooner Jim stayed at home.
Bob would prefer Jim to stay at home.
(Bob preferiría que Jim se quedara /quedase en casa.)
Bob would prefer Jim to stay at home.
(Bob preferiría que Jim se quedara /quedase en casa.)
Would they rather / sooner the children had gone to the cinema?
Would they prefer the children to have gone to the cinema?
(¿Preferirían que los chicos hubieran / hubiesen ido al cine?)
Would they prefer the children to have gone to the cinema?
(¿Preferirían que los chicos hubieran / hubiesen ido al cine?)

Would Rather and Would Sooner
Si te fijas, las formas anteriores van precedidas de WOULD, mientras que better va precedidode HAD (y siempre en este tiempo). Mira estos ejemplos:
1 - You'd better go to the dentist (será mejor/va a ser mejor que / más vale que vayas al dentista)
2 - He'd better finish now (mejor que termine ahora)
3 - Hadn't you better call her? (¿no sería mejor que la llamases?)
You´d better not go to the concert today (mejor será que no vayas al concierto)
Shé better not go (sería mejor que no fuera)
Me ayudo mucho, me aclaro algunas dudas. Gracias-